How to pack my device for safe shipping?

Please note that courier companies are not responsible for damage to the goods if the shipment has not been properly secured.

First of all, choose the packaging according to the size and weight of the device being shipped. Scales, i.e. measuring devices, are susceptible to shocks. Particularly, you should pay attention to the size, strength and thickness of the packaging.

The device should be placed in a two-layer cardboard made of high-quality cardboard. At the bottom by placing the device shock-absorbing filler. Fillers made of crumpled newspapers or rolled stretch foil do not guarantee safe transport.

After placing the device in the box, carefully protect the parcel, edges and loose elements (e.g. weighing boom). Empty spaces in the parcel should be precisely filled with filler so that the item cannot move inside the box. If there are several items in a carton, they must be separated from each other.

In addition, secure the device with filler or bubble wrap also from above.

Wrap the carton with packing tape, securing it on all sides, paying special attention to the bottom and top of the package.